Thursday, April 23, 2015

Awe and wonder in the digital age

Posted by Elizabeth. I love my children. I really do. But their attachment to the digital world may be a problem. This morning I realized a major flaw in this plugged in lifestyle. They have seen and "experienced" absolutely everything. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and the great big Internet bring sights to their little screens that are fantastic and worldly and breathtaking.

Which leaves little room for real-life wonder and awe. 

In Rome we saw the Sistine Chapel. In Paris, the Mona Lisa. And in Turkey the ruins of Ephesis and the white steaming pools of Pamukkale. Pretty cool? Yes. Awe inspiring? Not so much. Maybe it's just teenage enui or maybe it's hard to compete with monster-like aliens wielding machetes as they leap over the Great Wall of China. Hopefully someday I'll figure out a way to top that. 


  1. My life is filled with awe everyday by looking in the mirror when i wake up that is true awe and glory the face of a young Intelligent boy.

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