Friday, February 6, 2015

First day in sunny Spain!

Stepping off the plane at the Seville airport
We're here! Sunny Spain. The sun and late night social life really help cure jet lag. We had an easy trip to London and the perfect soft landing at Deardra and Tahir's home (thank you Deardra for an incredibly yummy dinner and hot scones as we walked in the door). The flight to Seville the next morning was quick (although Leo says it was horrid as he had terrible motion sickness).

We're staying in the Nervion neighborhood in Seville. It's full of orange trees that are covered in ripe oranges. What do they do with all that fruit? No one seems to be picking them and there aren't any on the ground (maybe there are late night pickers that gather just the ripest). The boys and Beth found the local market across the street and Leo will post next about their experience there. Today we're off to the Plaza de Espana and the University of Seville.


  1. This is Sally C. I'm signed in as Liz because she's a google person. I can't even describe how delightful it is to read your posts! Love Leo's after this one. Description of Griffin being spoken at by the guy is great. That's going to happen to Griffin all through Spain. Seattle status: no orange trees.

  2. Hi Sally! Yes, Griffin fits in very well here with the stylish Europeans. I must say that the orange trees are a civic masterpiece. Somehow there are no oranges on the ground and no one is picking them (perhaps because there are so many). They would make a good addition to a food bank but I'm not sure they have those here. I'll post an update when I figure it out. Elizabeth
